Technology Abuse includes the use of web-based, digital tools to control, monitor, stalk or harass victims. This can include tracking and monitoring applications placed on mobile phones, computers, or cars. Technology Abuse can also include hidden surveillance cameras or misuse of "Internet of Things" connected and smart devices to intimidate, annoy or negatively impact a victim's livelihood.
Access to secure phones, computers, and even social media is crucial for domestic violence survivors while they are in the process of leaving an abuser. In today's technologically advanced world, survivors need technology to maintain and rebuild their life including:
Applying for a job
Housing search
Accessing health benefits and care
Staying connected to family and support systems
Education for children
Donate Unused Mobile Phones
Community 247 is partnering with ________ to collect unused mobile phones. The phones will be stripped, restored and provided to domestic violence survivors.
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